Saturday, February 25, 2017

What is C?
First, we want to know what the C programming required. Kararai today's technology at this stage that C is supposed to be unknown. However, the C programming language. Our people and specific language is the same language as the computer. There are a variety of programming languages.

Among them C ++, Java, Python, C #, COBOL, ASP.NET, Objective-C, PHP, Ruby and wildlife. C is called "Mother of Computer Programing". C Programming Language was invented by Dennis Ritchie in 197. The C 11 is the latest update. At present, almost all programming languages ​​are based on C sabagulai. Currently the most popular Social Networking Website "Facebook" was released on their new Programming Language Hack. Google did not release their own Programing Language DART. C programing Why learn C programming? I must have this technology in order to learn the importance of today do not want to talk. Many people nowadays are so advanced that the C programming language to learn why? Moreover, the C Language and OOP (Object Oriented Programing) facility is not available. So why learn C? Let us forget that today there are more advanced programming language C in its sabagulai is based. But it's not my argument. Anyone with any any Programing Programing Language learning can begin. But the C programing Language and Data Structure, Memory Management, Array, Function these would have been much easier to understand if we dissolve the rest of the Language. Java Language as the C Based Programing Language. But Java's much different from Syntax C Language. As a result, Java, C ++, knowing that many struggling to eat. The main reason for the difference between syntax. But if anyone can win it, if C Programing Language for C ++, Python, C # sikhata will accelerate a lot. Because of these Language C Based. So in my opinion, one of the first in the C Programing Language learning can be started. What can be done with C programming and where you can learn? C Programing Language is not to do with. Anti-Virus, Virus, Operating system, Application Software can be everything from the start. Haisila the first Unix operating system with C Language. Where to learn more about it when I say that I am interested to learn just is not for lack of Source. Writer of books you purchased from the market can learn. Online today also have a lot of resource. Among them, as,,, one. So do not delay, start now. HAPPY PROGRAMING

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